Currently running PB1 Gen2 4-day template for the 2nd time. After a long string of no missed sessions during the 1st run of PB1 and the beginner template before that, life finally happend over the past two weeks. Last week, due to Work and travel, I missed Days 2 and 4 of Week 3 Block 1, so I decided to rerun week 3 this week. However, I missed Day 1, and Day 2 I was only able to get the DL in. Returned to full training today for Day 3 and will also have a full training session tomorrow and get some conditioning work in tomorrow and over the weekend.
Im leaning towards re-running week 3 again next week, and completing all 4 days to build some momentum for the rest of block 1. Would this be your recommendation, or would you just move on to week 4 next week?