Hello guys!
Firstly I think, that I Should give my goals in order to be understood.
Goals are: gain weight(currently I am 75.5kg) and to sign up for me first meet(just pull).
When I was 19 weeks out from the meet, I tried hypertrophy(4d) template, I became stronger and bigger. After finishing my 7 weeks, I decided to repeat the training block one more time, just switching the exercises within myoreps. Now I am on my 4th week, I will try to repeat 4th week two times - weeks 5 till 7 I will add a little bit of volume(in original programming it’s said to do 1@8, 6@9, 6@8x2, I will 1@8, 6@7x3, 6@8x3), when I am 3 weeks out - I will use peaking templates!
What do u think? Is it legit? Just trying to figure out in what direction it may better to think If I had such goals.
So to sum up
hypertrophy template: 4th week - to repeat two times, week 5 till 7 - with a little bit of volume(1@8, 6@7x3, 6@8x3), last 3 weeks - to peak.
That seems fine to me. Good luck man!