"Normal" squat tempo?

TLDR: Should I squat more slowly and if so what is an approximately normal squat tempo?

I’ve noticed when watching myself squat, the reps are all super fast, even @8. I usually take ~3-4 seconds per squat on average, including lockout and breathing etc. For example a set of 7@8 takes only about 25 seconds total. 4@8 takes no longer than 15 seconds.

Would it be beneficial for me to use some type of objective tempo (e.g. a metronome) to move in a more “controlled” way and possibly squat more weight? If so, what tempo would be “standard”?

Or should I just carry on? There isn’t anything particularly bad about my form besides me thinking it’s too fast, and the weights are progressing week to week as expected. No bounce, no pain, etc.

This doesn’t seem to be an issue for me in any other of the big movements. And I can only assume I’ve been squatting this way my entire training career (~2yrs total on and off).
​​My theory is that I’ve been “sandbagging” the weights but this wouldn’t make much sense given that weights are increasing week to week while everything else (incl. RPE) is staying the same. (+12kg e1RM in 4 weeks of Beginner Template)

Unless you’re losing balance, probably not.