Novice to Intermediate - Advice on Situation and GPP HT v Bridge

Been on Novice LP for 4.5 months, believe it is time to go to intermediate now and have a few questions. My profile – 41 years old, 5’11”, 192lbs (started program at 176lbs)
My stats (all 3x5 except for 1x5 on DL): squat 255, OHP 118, bench 172, deadlift 270 (paused 2x due to back stress)
First question – though I have gotten stronger, I look and feel like I have just gotten fat and muscle mass increase is not apparent. Was planning to go to the GPP Hypertrophy plan first, then to Bridge after. Let me know your thoughts on the programming here to address muscle size and weight (less concerned about weight right now but would prefer to stop adding fat).
Second – made major progress on squat (100+lbs) and OHP (28lbs) but bench has been pathetic (15lbs) and seems out of balance relative to my OHP number. Any thoughts on what to add or modify with GPP HT/bridge for bench given that 3x5 did not seem to cause the right stimulus for me in LP?
Thanks in advance to Barbell Medicine and appreciate all the knowledge and passion this team and community demonstrates.

We would probably use the Bridge prior to the GPP template.

If your primary concern is bodyfat, you will also need to make some nutritional adjustments as discussed in our articles and videos on the topic.

Both contain significantly more benching volume than the novice program and you should see more progress on that lift.

Good luck!