Oly Template for Cutting?

Hi BBM team,

Like so many others in this forum, I want to express my gratitude for the many diverse resources you provide that both engage and educate me about barbell training.

I am 39, 6 ft, 210 pounds, 34 inch waist and (estimated) 19-22% body fat. I have been training since July 2015.

PRs-Squat 415 Bench 240 Press 130 Deadlift 500

I ran your BBM 7 week hypertrophy program and am currently on week 8 of BBM 12 week strength template. I have gained about 30 pounds since last August, but am starting to feel a little fluffy body composition wise, so I am hoping to cut after the 12 week is done. I recently took an 8 wk introductory workshop on the Oly Lifts am and motivated to practice.

Questions a) Would running the BBM Oly template for 4-8 wks allow me to maintain a significant amount of strength/muscle while cutting or would it be detrimental to that goal?

b) Of all your templates (I already purchased them), which would allow me to optimize strength/muscle maintenance while cutting for 8-12 weeks?


I would do the GPP endurance or hypertrophy template while cutting. HLM would work as well so you could do any of those.

Jordan, one thing has been pondering me recently, since the weekly volume in 12 week strength template is much higher than its in Bridge/HLM, once you adapt to that kind of stress, will lower volume templates ever give you any decent progress?

In another word, in general, is volume increasing a one way street?

There are a number of reasons why someone might plan a temporary reduction in training volume, which is theorized to have a “re-sensitizing” effect once volume is re-introduced.

To date in my own training, I have not had a reason to exceed the 12-16 set per week range on the squat for my own training, for example.

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