Osteochondritis dissecans

Recently took a hard fall on my elbow, it was really sore for a few days, decided to feel around and I noticed a crater-like hole and movement of some material at the olecronan. Doing some research it seems I have chipped it.

Before noticing all this information I overhead pressed the day before, after noticing it I tried to not be hyper vigilant and castatrophize. Later that night(yesterday) I benched, with not much discomfort.

I can do full range of motion, and nothing locks up, I do get a little bit of crepitus sometimes when fully extending my arm. It is a bit sore, but nothing hurts much, except when resting my elbow down on a surface obviously, even when it’s very softly rested.

my main concern is obvious, I dont want it to worsen by placing loads on it and well frankly I’m not a doctor so I’m not exactly sure what to classify this as, it’s obviously been damaged just by how I feel the structuring of it but not entirely sure. I’m taking a stab at it with my title name

  1. What impact can training have on osteochrondritis dissecans (chipped elbow)?

  2. I dont have a primary or insurance at this time, what type of doctor should I see, an osteopath?

I’m not sure I would make such a confident diagnosis just by feeling around the area like that, to be honest.