Plateauing while cutting

BBM Crew,
Thank you for everything you do. I am male, 31 years old, training for 9 months. I have been cutting using Jordan’s nutrition guidelines for about 7 months. I ran the bridge with minor individual modifications and added LISS for majority of that time and am currently on the Bridge 2.0. My squat and deadlift were progressing well until about 3 weeks ago, when things began moving incrementally backwards. I have cut from 276 lbs and a 45” waist down to my current weight of 229 and a 39.5” waist. When an individual is cutting, is there a point of diminishing return where eventually, as one stays in a caloric deficit for an extended period of time, strength gains fizzle out? Or would this just be another instance where programming is the likely problem?

Thank you for your consideration and thoughts.

Hey Myaw,

Nice job so far! Keep up the good work!

As far as if there are diminishing returns on exercise as you become more trained, yes, but that happens in general. Said differently, the most rapid gains you’ll ever make occur early in training. I suspect you have a lot more development left in you given your training history so I would expect that with proper programming you will continue to see results.