Popping Elbow

Hello! I have been enjoying the programing from Barbell medicine, recently completed the Bridge and Endurance.

Unfortunately my elbow has been popping, feels weak and sometimes gives me a zinging pain that travels down to my hand. 9 months ago I was battling tennis elbow / climbers elbow, the tendonitis has since mostly subsided but ever since then the elbow pops everytime I do a rep of standing press, push up, bench press and pullups. The odd thing is if I switch my hand position by 90 degrees the popping goes away. For instance in the press, if I use a dumbbell and have my palms facing my ears instead of the traditional pronated grip, the elbow wont pop. Same goes for the hand position in the push up. I went to physical therapy and they couldnt figure it out and are sending me to see an orthopedic sports doc in a few weeks. But I wanted to see if you guys had any advice on how to fix the popping.

I was thinking about getting a Rogue Multigrip Bar so I can get back to lifting heavier weight on the bench and press. Would this be advisable?
