I recently started golfing - doing around 3-4 hours per week at the range. Typically on consecutive days.
I woke up a day after the range with moderate soreness on my lead side posturolateral ribs and under my scapula with some swelling in the area.
Pain went from moderate to more sever when trying to swing a golf club and with some resistance training exercises.
It’s been 2 weeks and it’s starting to subside - wondering how to go about rehab and try to avoid reinjury… I typically resistance train 4x per week but I’m nervous to do anything that might set me back.
FYI - I’m a 165lb, 5’8” male, 28 years old.
Squat 1RM is around 255, bench ~ 175, pull-up BW +35lbs, deadlift ~ 355 (pounds) so not super strong but familiar with resistance training.