PPL modification / Template progression


Thanks in advance for all the help, resources, and education you have provided me and my wife over the years!

I have been running BBM templates around 4 years with goals of training predominantly being health and aesthetics. For the last year I have been bogged down rehabbing little aches and pains but have finally been able to string together productive training on the Powerbuilding Push-Pull-Legs template. I LOVE this template, format, double progression, exercise options, and PPL set up and have seen quick, nearly linear strength improvements (more-so than with any other template in past). I want to continue to improve strength and also focus on fat loss in the coming year and think it may be time to move to 4 day templates. Should I just add another day to the PPL 3 day template? Is there a feasible way to do this within the constraints of a PPL set up? Should I move to new generation Powerbuilding 4 day template and restructure to PPL format? Is this feasible? I struggle with recovering from squats and have loved having all squat movements on day 1. Please advise.

Thanks again for all you do!

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Hey Shane,

Welcome back to the forum :slight_smile:

I think if you’re seeing good results from the current Push Pull Legs Template, it would be difficult to recommend a change. I would not predict an increase in strength or fat loss with more training if you’re responding well right now, especially with the note re: squat recovery.

If forced to recommend an added day, it would be adding a hybrid “push/pull” day with one additional pressing slot alongside one more rowing slot, plus some arm work. The program would look like:

Day 1: Legs
Day 2: Push (original)
Day 3: Pull
Day 4: Push/Pull Hybrid

You could restructure any of the templates into a PPL split if you like as well. I suspect the powerbuilding templates would be closest to your goals.

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