Push pull legs program question.

Hi team,

  • I’m currently running the Push-Pull-Legs template.
  • I complete the 3 resistance training sessions well before the week ends, even with cardio included.
  • I’m accustomed to Barbell Medicine legacy templates, which may explain my pacing.
  • I love training arms and enjoy “jacking them up” a bit more.
  • Any recommendations for adding extra arm volume, or should I keep it as is to regulate fatigue?
  • The arm volume from the GPP Hypertrophy Bias program (no longer available) felt ideal for me—this is based on anecdotal experience rather than formal measurements.
    Many thanks and appreciate y’all a ton.
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Welcome back to the forum. Good to see you!

I think the PPL template is pretty good from a volume and total training load perspective. As a coach, I’d prefer to keep it as-is for your first time through and see how you do. Nutrition and weight management is going to be more important for growth than adding more volume at this level IMO.

If you feel fine after running the program one time through and want more arm stuff, I’d add ~20% volume to the direct arm work and keep the scheduling the same, or add an arm-only day and do half of the week’s arm training on that day.

I’d advocate for doing the lifting sessions of PPL on non-consecutive days, which would make it challenging to get through the sessions early in the week.



Thanks so much for the thoughtful response and warm welcome back! I truly appreciate the guidance on keeping the PPL template as-is and focusing more on nutrition and weight management for growth—makes perfect sense. The clarity you provide on programming and adjustments is always gold.

It seems insufficient to mention that the teams work has been transformative for me, not just physically but mentally as well. I’ve gained strength, confidence, and a much healthier relationship with training, all thanks to the principles you’ve shared.

Looking forward to running this program and continuing to learn from your insights.

Grateful for everything,

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Thank you for the kind words, Bishan. We really appreciate it!