Push pull legs template

I have recently downloaded the PPL template and i noticed a lot of work in the RPE 6-7 range. I am used to the RPE/rep ranges found the “The Bridge” and “Powerbuilding 1”. Also, I believe that I have heard on the podcast that it is recommended that each major muscle group is trained 2x per week.

I am not an expert by any means, just trying to understand. In the PPL template- is the increased reps/lower RPE (comparatively to the other mentioned templates) as well as the multiple exercises targeting similar groups an equal amount of “work” to those other templates? This might very well be just something I have to get used to as I am used to heavier weight/lower rep than the PPL. Thank you!


Welcome to the forum! Happy to have you here.

Regarding the total training load of the Push-Pull-Leg programs, I think they are similar to the Bridge 3.0 (higher than “The Bridge” free download) and Powerbuilding 1.

Give it a shot and let me know how it goes! Happy to answer any questions.
