First, thanks for all the great information on your site and videos (entertaining too).
In response to several questions about early morning training you have said that something like a scoop of whey protein and some overnight oats when you get up would be your solution folks who will be training within 30-60 minutes after getting up.
In other places, you have mentioned that the older or more to the training resistant side of the spectrum you are, the more protein is needed to get the same or similar effects. How would this affect the early morning workout nutrition?
I am 54 and would consider myself on the training resistant side of the spectrum, though I am definitely a novice as far as a progressive training program goes. (Previous to lifting I was doing body weight exercises for 5 months.) My immediate goals are fat loss without compromising strength gains any more than I have to as I am overweight (5’10" and 203 lbs) with a 41" waist. Would you suggest something along the lines of using 2 scoops of whey before workouts or keep to a single scoop but adding BCAA to get more leucine?
Thanks again for all the great information.