It seems to be glitched out for me, so i just want to make sure: Is the bonus isolation work meant to be done on all three training days? Thanks in advance.
The arm work will be twice a week with your GPP work.
I don’t have any of the bonus isolation work on my template. What am I missing?
Are you sure? I also have the template and it seems to clearly indicate the bonus curls/press downs for all 3 lifting days (they are pasted into the 3 cells immediately below each lifting day).
Bonus bicep/tricep work is written down under Day 1,2 and 3 separately on the HYP template and therefore, I think it is done on Mon, Wed, Fri after main workout.
Leah, can you please double check and confirm.
I thought the bonus arms was intentionally 3x/week for the hypertrophy template. The Bridge 2.0 clearly looks like it’s 2x/week however.
Is this the same for The Bridge 2.0? My spreadsheet makes it looks like it should be done on the regular training days. Thanks in advance!
Yes, Faith is correct. 3x/wk for hypertrophy.
Sorry for the mix-up.