Would the rowing machine be beneficial in rehabbing the low back and shoulder? I would slowly introduce it but I want to make it sure it’s not adding too much volume to those muscles groups. While rowing I feel it in my shoulder and back a little but it doesn’t get worse. I am running the shoulder rehab template and am modifying the squat and deadlift for higher volume/tempo. And cardio wise just doing walk and bike.
I’ll chime in if that’s ok.
Some pain during rehab is normal, to be expected, and sometimes even beneficial. As long as the pain is tolerable and acceptable to you, and doesn’t make you feel debilitated later in the day, or the next day. It sounds like you’re experiencing an acceptable amount of pain. To quote Greg Lehman, “it’s ok to poke the bear, just don’t jump the shit out of it”.
As for it being ok to use the rowing machine, there isn’t a single movement that is off limits. As long as it is dosed sensibly and progressed in a sensible and logical manner, you’re good to go.