Slow eccentric on DL

Good afternoon!

I’ve gotten into the habit of lowering my deadlifts very slow and controlled to avoid making too much noise when lifting at night in my basement. It almost certainly limits the amount I put on the bar on a single @ RPE 8. When I deadlift on Saturday afternoons I do the same thing but don’t NEED to for noise considerations.

My question is whether I am likely getting a training benefit from going down so slowly or if I’d be better served dropping the weight (though still under control). Thanks for any thoughts you can provide!


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You’re training the eccentric actions of the muscles more, yes. As far as what impact that has on your concentric performance, it’d be hard to predict. I don’t think it’s holding you back, however.

Anecdotally, I pulled 290kg x 2 with a 6-0-0 tempo (6s eccentric) that was about as hard as my 290kg x3 earlier in the week with a normal pace.

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