Smith Machine

I will be faced with ~8-9 months away from a squat rack due to a deployment.

At my immediate access I will have a barbell with hex plates, a smith machine, leg press, dumbbells, machines, and a bench.

I know I have to train so my question is do I essentially learn to smith machine squat (in lieu of my current squat) or is there a different exercise recommendation in the months without a power rack?

I might know know the answer but it is frustrating that it’s all I have at my disposal and would appreciate the insight.


If I were in this situation I’d probably train using:

Front squats / paused front squats (cleaned/power cleaned from the floor)
LOTS of leg presses
Deadlifts & other pulling variants
Barbell Clean + Press / Push press
Lots of dumbbell work (presses & rows) and machine work (mainly presses & pulldowns/rows)

You can do just fine with this. And I probably wouldn’t bother with a smith machine squat in this situation unless you really wanted to.