Strength 1 Questions

Seasons greetings, and as always thanks for your dedication to helping people get healthy and strong.

Going into Week 6 of Strength 1 (killing me, but working really great) and I have a few questions:

  1. Week 13 Day One is:

Squat with belt- 1 rep @ 8, 3 reps @ 85% e1RM
Competition Bench Press (1CT Pause) -1 rep @ 8, 2 reps @ 89% e1RM
Squat w/belt - work up to 1 rep @ last warm up

Day Two lists just squat and comp bench as 1@opener (no deadlift listed)
Day Three is the meet

Is Day One exercise 3 supposed to be deadlift? 1st meet coming up and I don’t want to screw up.

  1. I would prefer to use a SSB for one of the supplemental squat days. Any preference for Day 2 (2ct paused) or Day 3 (squat no belt)?

  2. Week 5 Day 3 Squat was a 5-3-0 tempo squat. Only time it appears in this program. Dying to know the purpose of this particular variation (aside from the obvious glee at imagining your customers doing them)? Just a way to reduce the weight but keep the effort high?

Thank you for your time.


Thanks for the post.

  1. Day 1’s 3rd exercise should be deadlift w/ belt. I’ll have to go investigate to see if there’s an error in the formulae.
  2. I would place it in for Day 2’s squat, but I would still pause it.
  3. Just a different variation to lower some fatigue while keeping the exertion high :slight_smile:


I just bought Strength 1, and in the pounds version exercise 3 is correctly listed as deadlift in my copy.

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  1. Thought so. Thanks for the clarification- looks like you already fixed it.
  2. Will do
  3. Yes, exertion was high:)

Appreciate your time.