
Is there any benefit for a sprinter to stretch(or dynamic stretching)?I understand for weightlifting that flexibility improves by doing the lift.How can a sprinter improve his form without stretching or mobility work?


A sprinter needs to practice their sport with drills and event specific training, which brings up their specific mobility.

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Not to hijack this thread but since the topic was already brought up . For Low Bar specifically, if your shoulder mobility is poor and its a struggle to get under the bar in proper position even after months of doing Paul Horn low bar stretch pre squatting . ( note: I’m able to get into the low bar position after 5 minutes of Paul Horn stretch but wrist are bent and grip is overly wide) Would it be beneficial to start stretching to improve the low bar position daily instead of current 3x a week? once mobility was achieve you could stop daily stretching.

If so ,which stretch recommended other then Paul horn low bar stretch for daily use of improving low bar position?

If you’ve been training regularly for many months, trying to get the bar down into the right position, and have experimented with grip adjustments to facilitate that … and still can’t do it, you might just be a candidate for high bar squatting.

Well, I’ve been low bar squatting for about 7+months currently and i can get the bar into the correct back position if i do the Paul Horn stretch every workout. My main issue with the set up is my left wrist position which typically ends up being perpendicular to the floor almost and my grip width which is usually just a tad outside of the smooth part of the knurling with my index finger. If/ when i have been able to stretch a little further my wrists are both straight i find my elbows are more behind me and it allow for a tighter back and more proud chest. Bring my grip in just a little bit to ensure that i don’t knick my hand on the hooks when i rerack the bar too.

My current goal is to fix my position before giving up on the low bar squat as i have invested time in learning the proper set up and ive made more improvements with the low bar then i ever have with high bar position.

I currently use a thumb over the bar grip im unsure of any other grip adjustments to make to experiment with?

It sounds like you’re having difficulty because you’re trying to force perfectly “neutral” wrists. This is not necessary. It’s OK for the wrists to be bent if you don’t have significant discomfort as a result.

It’s also OK to try and experiment with wrapping the thumbs around the bar.