Substitute Overhead press

I would prefer not to press for right now. I’ve achieved the goal I set for myself and now I would just prefer to have a bench focus and would like to sub out the overhead press.

Any ideas? Also I wasn’t sure if I should post this in the training discussion with Dr baraki and feigenbaum or not so if I need to move it let me know.

It can certainly be done. Are you running one of the templates?

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I am I’m running the 12 week strength 2.0, sorry it slipped my mind to mention before

For what it’s worth, there is no pressing starting in week 9, just bench and bench variations from there on.

That’s fair, I would just rather spend the 5x5 doing something that would contribute more specifically to my bench.

I would guess the good Drs would tell you to run it as is and see what happens first. It’s ALREADY a bench template. Pressing is a pretty good hypertrophy tool that works on the muscle groups most people have as weaknesses in the bench press (delts and tris).

If you just hate pressing though, try dips – they’re the same idea hypertrophy wise. If you’re sticking point is off the chest, maybe try dumbbell bench or block band pushups.

But again, unless pressing is going to negatively impact your compliance because you don’t like doing it – I’d just do the template as written.

Typically I am of the flock of “don’t change the fucking program” but it has been impacting my compliance negatively. Or at least it’s building up to. I thought about doing dips, and i really enjoy dips want sure if that would be a worthwhile compromise. Decided to probe the forum and see what came up. I don’t have a noticable weak point just yet. But I’ll keep what you said in my bag.

EDIT: To clarify I’ve already been through the program twice before in the old style and this will be my first in the 2.0 strength style.

FredM I don’t know how to quote or reply directly to you, but I did the 4 day hypertrophy in between the 2 previous runs. I’ll probably try the dips out for a full run or just suck it up if I hate it. Thanks guys.

I think slotting in any other flat bench variation that is pretty close to your comp bench would be reasonable - in this thread Leah suggested TnG Bench.

Hasn’t been mentioned but if you have access to an Incline Bench that would give you something that could still help more with long term shoulder development while being more similar to flat bench and dissimilar to the OHP that might bridge the gap and increase compliance. I don’t have the 12w Strength yet so I don’t know if that is already in the programming as a supplemental lift just trying to offer another perspective.