Test week update, and what next

Well, test day arrived and is complete. I was anxious for no reason, it was really fun. I also learned why you suggested for someone who cares about maximal strength, exposure to the test is good. I learned a lot. Weight selection is a real skill.

Squat, started out opened at 365 pounds, was 91% of my last e1rm of 399. It felt fine. Went to 380. It was hard, but felt submaximal. I called it a 9. Didnt think 400 was there as the calculator suggested. Decided for 395 pounds. It came off the bottom, but I tileted forward a little and that cost me. So settled at 380, which felt sub max, but still a all time PR.

Bench press, similar story, 220 pounds, 92% of last er1m od 240, it felt great. 230 felt good, was definitely sub max, but hard. I felt good about the 9 rating. Went for 240, it got stuck half way up and wouldn’t move, it was so close. But probably left 5 pounds off the total, because 235 was there. Still, 230 was a PR.

Dead lift, opened at 380 pounds, felt good. Went to 400 hit it, but it felt like a near max. Called it a 9.5 and decided to try 410. It went, but was definitely a max. After missing the 3rd attempt on Squat and Bench, felt great to end on a high note and hit my 3rd attenpy on deadlift.

Had loft goals of a 1,050 total today, finished with a 1,020 pound total, but probably left a few out there with better 3rd attempts. Really cool experience, PR’d in all three lifts. cant wait to do it again. I wonder if my RPE 8’s we really 8.5 thriughout the block, based on my misses in squat and bench, but can recalibrate next block.

For context, 5’9", 186 pounds. Just under 37" waist. Just finished PB 1gen 2, 4 day. I obviously enjoyed it. Goals still remain health, strength in big 3, and build muscle, in no particular order.

Would you recommend to re-run PB 1 Gen, 2? Or would you suggest another program?

Thanks again!!!

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Nice work testing, Matte. I agree that exposure to this sort of training improves performance in maximal strength efforts and gauging performance.

As far as what’s next…I think it would be reasonable to re-run Powerbuilding I since you had a great response to it. If you wanted a change and still wanted to purse strength, I’d go with the new second generation Strength I program.

Sounds good, I’ll re-run PB1 Gen 2.

Last question, I bought a safety squaty bar during the beginner template, and in doing them, it felt like it was pushing me to my toes, and i had to concentrate not letting it. Since I failed my 3rd attempt by getting on my toes, I thought Safety Squat bar my be a reasonable substitution this block for my 2nd squat movement? Thoughts or would you re-run as programmed. If I make the adjustment would you do it in the 1st or 2nd block in replace of wither paused squat or lin squat.

Other adjustment I thiught about, I have a slingshot for bench, but have not done it in forever. Kind of want to do it, would this be a reaosnable substitution for one of the bench slots? If so, where would you put it?


I do think the SSB squat would be a reasonable choice for your supplemental squat in block 1. Slingshot would also work for a supplemental bench. I’d pick the 2nd slot on Day 3 for that.