To Cut or Not To Cut?

Hey docs,

I’m fairly familiar with your nutrition concepts at this stage, and Jordan previously advised that cutting would be a good idea. I’m aware that 37" waist for males is generally the “risk” cutoff and bulking beyond this tends not to be a good idea.

Have always tended towards having more abdominal fat regardless of which dietary pattern I’m on, and it seems to be tricky to lose (and also hereditary). For reference:
Male, 33y/o
Weight: 191lb
Height: 6’1
Waist: 35.75"
Neck: 15.25"

Navy method puts me about 19% BF. Electronic measurement had me at 14% but I’ve largely disregarded that as being remotely accurate.

I’m about halfway through the knee template and am planning to do the Beginner Template following (or the Time Crunch template – baby en route end of Sept, so not sure whether I’ll be able to keep up with Beginner Template for a bit). Longterm I’m planning to stack the BT, GS&C template and then possibly move on to PB or Titan.

My longterm goal is probably in the range of 200-210 and leanish. Previously tried to cut and lost about 10lb but waist barely went down, likely due to a combo of not really programming, very little lifting consistency/scaling over the last 6 or so months and a number of other lifestyle factors (I suspect sleep has been a culprit).

I’m not really sure how I’d classify my “lifting age”. Probably a beginner as far as barbell movements go, but probably 9-10y ago I was doing pullups with 110lb x3, RFESS with 135 and trap bar deadlifts at about 275 comfortably. Nothing impressive, but still unsure how that affects my lifting age and expectations. I assume I have a relatively high ceiling given my currently abysmal lifting numbers.

TL;DR: I’d like to significantly change my body composition and am looking for longterm health, but also want to see some genuine progress in lifting numbers and physical resilience as a result (work capacity, recovery capacity, etc). Do I cut (i.e. 200-300 kcal), or maintain for the time being? Am I “low enough” on lifting age that I’d be able to see my strength numbers clip up while losing fat? Jordan previously recommended I cut, but that was at 22% BF and running a relatively unchallenging program with no conditioning, so not sure if the recommendation would change in my current situation.

Thanks in advance!


If you want to lose body fat, there are no restrictions here for doing that. People of all training ages can gain strength while in an energy deficit. You don’t need to lose weight, but if you prefer it, you certainly can without detriment to your lifting gainzZz.



I should have clarified: what I’d most like to do is be back in a slight surplus, as I haven’t visibly gained muscle in a while and would like to see my lifts go up more substantially, but I’m unsure at which point it would be wisest to do so and for how long. Mostly just unsure what order to do it in. My tentative plan was slight cut/maintenance while I finish the knee rehab template and then jump back onto a 200-300kcal surplus following. Bad idea from a health standpoint, or would it be fine provided I watch my waist circumference?

I would not gain recommend weight gain given the information I have and do not think this has any correlation with strength change.

I think your approach sounds reasonable, provided there’s a 4-6 week maintenance phase in between.

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Thanks for the replies. Good to know, no real reason to do that then. Will see if I’m successful on a mild cut and will return to maintenance for a while. I believe I recall you mentioning being down <15% BF would be a better range for a surplus so will bear that in mind going forward. Strength gains are priority but would be nice to actually look like I life eventually :smile:.



Edit: lift, not life!