I work in human services, both my consumer and his mother have tested positive for covid as of yesterday, and a co-worker of mine tested positive as of this morning. I got tested this morning, waiting for the results. But I am gonna go ahead and assume I have it. As far as symptoms so far I feel fine. No loss of taste or smell, no body pain or soreness etc.
Say I do test Positive, how do I approach training? Should I be worried about heart inflammation and as such just rest? Or would I notice if I have something like that. Do I decrease intensity or volume? Stop lifting and running all together and just take walks ?
If I had no symptoms whatsoever, and could train in isolation (as in a garage), I would probably go about my training essentially normally.
If I were more severely symptomatic, fevering, etc,. I would be modifying my activity much more significantly.
For individuals with already diagnosed myocarditis, there are going to be recommendations for exercise restriction until further follow up and evaluation are completed.
For those with a viral illness but without myocarditis, there is some theoretical, non-zero risk of myocarditis associated with exercise, but we don’t really have much direct evidence to tell us the significance of this in humans. A lot of the typically hyper-conservative recommendations suggest waiting until an individual has no symptoms for some arbitrary amount of time (some 3-5 days, some 10 days, some 2 weeks) before returning to exercise. These are mostly made up and based on the theoretical risk, and at this point everyone has to make their own individual decision based on their risk tolerance.
Thanks for the input doc! Yes I can train in my garage so training in a quarantine environment is no issue. I just wasn’t sure how to handle training. I woke up this morning still symptom free so I am going to lift as normal. If I am still symptom free tomorrow I’ll lift and run as normal.
correct doc. No stuffy or running nose outside of my regular allergies , no body soreness, no headache. No shortness of breath outside of my own doing via anxiety and overthinking. My only concern really was any cardiac issues but I imagine I would have symptoms from that. I just took a 1.5 mile walk and it was fine.