Tricep Nope-Downs

So, I workout in a black iron gym, there isn’t a cable machine of any sort in there.
Is there a decent alternative for tricep pushdowns? I’m on the 7 week Hypertrophy program, and don’t want to miss out on sweet arm GainzZzz.

Sorry if this is a repetitive inquiry.

You can do triceps press downs with a band looped around a chin up bar.

Is a lying tricep extension a suitable substitute? Looking for something I can do in my home gym with a barbell, squat rack, and free weights.

They could be, but I don’t love them.

Any replacement suggestions for tricep pushdowns using a barbell, squat rack, and free weights? I also have two of these dumbell handles the let me put olympic free weights on them.

I could probably make some kind of a redneck cable setup if needed.

JM Presses, LTE’s with BB or DB’s, standing french press, etc. would all work, but no you can’t do push downs with a barbell, rack, and free weights on our planet.

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Hi Jordan, just curious, what is it about LTE’s that tou dibt like? I know you like pushdowns with a rope. For the hypertrophy template, would you just do those all 3 days or use some variation?

“Barbell Tricep Pushdowns” is a pretty good code word for sneaking more curlz in your programming.

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Makes sense. Those give me good approximations until I decide to build/buy a cable system.

Haha! :stuck_out_tongue:

Maybe if you are wearing gravity boots and define down as towards your feet :slight_smile: