What is considered too advanced for the beginner template?


Iam not sure whether I should go with the beginner prescription. Iam lifting for about 2 years but with a decent fuckarounditis, so I know quite something about training but just failed with consistency in eating. So my strength stats are like this:

  • 85x5kg Bench press
  • 5x52.5kg overhead press
  • 90x5kg Squat
  • 5x120kg deadlift

So am I still considered a beginner in that sense?
Also there are apparently different phases in the beginner template, is it adviseable to start in a different phase then for me?


Thanks for the post. I’m not sure there are any hard cut-offs for when someone is or isn’t a beginner outside of the programming demonstrably working for them. I’d have you start on phase I just so you’re gradually introduced to the volume, conditioning, and format. If it stops working for you early on, just move onto the next phase as described :slight_smile:
