Which template to follow?

Hi guys, apologies if this is in the wrong section but I am wondering which Barbell Medicine program would be most suitable to me.

I’ve been mostly messing around in the gym for the end of last year + this year doing basic barbell work and weightlifting training based on Catalyst templates. However, I don’t really have the time to sink into 5 days per week of weightlifting + strength work + accessories etc and would like to do a basic barbell strength routine with some conditioning work instead. I’ve had a read of the Bridge 1.0 program and it looks fun and suitable to what I want, however is it a better idea to purchase one of the paid programs instead? Based on what I have read here and elsewhere, either the Bridge 3.0 or HLM would be ideal. What are the main differences between the three templates?

My current best lifts are:

HBBS: 135kg x 3
Deadlift: 140kg x 5
Close-grip bench: 70kg x 5

My form isn’t really great on any of the main lifts. For squats, I tend to get pushed onto my toes by heavy weights. Deadlifts are okay but I tend to do them with low hips and anything heavier feels like my back will start to round. I’ve benched a few times in the past but mostly focused on overhead pressing and jerks before. The movement feels pretty alien and I find a close-grip (pretty much my OHP grip) most comfortable. I like lots of volume to practise my form and because submaximal weights (90%+) tend to destroy me for the rest of session.



Hi Beep and welcome! The Bridge 1.0 would be a very suitable starting place and I would suggest starting there. After that you could move to either of the templates as both are 3 day programs. The HLM might be more your style as it starts with more volume work and holds off on the addition of heavy singles for a bit longer.

We also have a BBM FB group and the unmoderated section here where you could post a few videos for some feedback, and that might be quits helpful.