Choosing the correct BBM template

First of all, thanks for the great content you all keep putting out. I am at a bit of an impasse in my training and I am hoping to get some advice on which BBM template would be appropriate to run.

I have been consistently barbell training for around 18 months and lifted randomly for a number of years before that. 33 y/o male, 195lbs, 6’2". My main lifts are at squat: 315, deadlift: 455, bench: 265.

Because of work/commute/family, my training time is limited to one hour x 4 days/week. I expect this to be the case for the forseeable future. My goal is increase overall strength and improve my 1RMs on the main lifts.

So, I am trying to determine if I should run the time crunch template, bridge, HLM, or a condensed version of the 12 week strength program? My concern is that choosing the wrong program will be inappropriate volume based on how I have been training recently. Regarding that, I have been training bench 3x/week, squat and deadlift 2x/week with accessory movements as time allows. I was recently running Greg Nuckols’ 4 week programs but did not see any improvements from those.

Any advice is greatly appreciated.

I’d run the Bridge (free) first and split it up over 4 days to accommodate your schedule. You’ll have a better idea of what you want to do next and be more familiar with our programming afterwards.