Which templates prioritize all four lifts (including overhead press)

I would like to know which of the templates prioritize all four lifts (squat, deadlift, bench AND overhead press).
I’m asking especially about strength templates, but it would be good to know about the others as well.

I already have the Bridge (v3) and Powerbuilding I, which include OHP every week and have heavy singles.
I bought the Strength I and noticed that while it has some OHP, it is only in the beginning of the template, and later is absent (and no heavy singles with OHP anywhere).
I found the template descriptions a little bit confusing in this regard, in that sometimes when a template description mentions a bias towards powerlifts
it includes the OHP (PB I) and sometimes doesn’t (Strength I).

Question 2: Is there a way to modify the Strength I template to include OHP as a “competition lift”?
If not then I will probably study the template and try to use ideas of it to create a program like that.

None of the other templates give equal weight to strength development of the press and bench, as I don’t think this really works from a programming perspective.

You could replace all the bench slots - save for maybe 1- with overhead press in strength I. Also, strengthlifting II is a dedicated press strength template.

Since the OHP isn’t a powerlift, I specifically worded the descriptions to try and be as precise as possible.

Yeah, I realize that OHP doesn’t get equal weight in the templates with bench, 2:1 ratio like in the Bridge would be fine for my purposes.

Basically I’m looking for templates that have all four lifts every week and the goal is to improve 1RM in all of them (like the Bridge and Powerbuilding).

Yea, we don’t have that in any of our other templates because it typically doesn’t work.