12 Week Strength scheduling Q's


I’m hoping to start the 12 Week Strength template shortly but I have some Q’s about the layout. The template looks as such:

Day 1: C-S, C-P, etc
Day 2: C-D, C-B, etc

And then Day 3-4 are all supplemental. Did I mess up the template omehow, or are they actually intended to be run back-to-back like that (Mon-Tue for example)? The only reason I ask is that I’ve previously worked directly w/ Jordan and Sq/DL were always 3 days apart.

2nd Q, is it possible to organize this for a Sat/Sun/Wed schedule? The reason I ask is I have quite a struggle with adequate sleep, so that would give me 6 days to attempt sleeping in. I could simply get another template if that’s better, the cost doesn’t bother me. The time I worked w/ Jordan was exceptionally effective so I know they’ll all be quality. Goal is basically get stronger without gaining weight (maybe even lose a small amount), my training is purely for aesthetics/health - no competitions of any kind. Cheers!

That’s how they’re intended to be run if you’re doing a 4-day template.

We encourage people to arrange things however is necessary to maintain compliance.