3 day GGP vs 4 day GGp

Leah, Jordan or Austin. Thanks for all you guys do with this sport! It’s by far the best info on the net and makes the most sense. I used your programs last year and had made awesome gains. I Hired a coach going into my first meet and am now back following your programs. My coach and i had differences of opinions on how this should go. But anyway… on to my question.

Question regarding the difference on week 4 for both programs. On the 3 day week program it appears that week 4 is a low stress week. However, on the 4 week program it seems to be high stress and not moderate stress before going into week 5 with singles and volume.

I am currently doing the 4 day program. Would it be ok to stick to the 3 day suggestions, example 1 @ 6, 1 @ 7 and 2 @ 8 instead of the 1 @ 6 3 @ 7 and 3 @ 8? Seems like a lot and i may not be able to recover appropriately enough before going into week 5.

Looking for a suggestion on a modification for that.

Thanks in advance!

This is one of those situations where people may find they need to customize/individualize template prescriptions for themselves based on how they respond and tolerate the programming. I don’t see a problem with your idea.