Beginner Template (transition to Phase 2) questions


I just wrapped up Phase 1 of the BT this week, and am feeling absolutely hammered.

I’m 63, relatively untrained (did a Starting Strength NLP 2 years ago), now just wrapped up 10 weeks on the BT. Probably should have wrapped up Phase 1 a week ago. Stalled on 2 lifts that week, 6 this week. Just had to gut it through this week’s training.

My question is whether next week’s (week 5’s) deload will likely to be enough of a reset as I begin phase 2 – I see that it involves a decrease in volume, but an increase in intensity – or whether I should consider something more?

Thanks in advance.


Hey Rick,

Yep, you should be good to go- especially with 10 weeks on phase I. Make sure to stick to the RPE’s in favor of just adding weight to the barbell. It’s okay to repeat a weight (or even decrease the weight week-to-week) so long as the overall trend over multiple weeks is moving in the right direction. If it’s not, we’d just move onto the next block of programming. There’s little utility in running the program to its bitter end in order to squeeze a few extra pounds on the bar.


They’re excellent coasters :wink: