Bridge Week 7 Day 1 - bench variation query

Jordan, Austin,

Am I correct in seeing Pin Bench on Day 1 of Week 7 of The Bridge? Should this be 3 count Pause Bench?

Weeks 5, 6, and 8 all have 3 Count Pause bench, but 7 introduces a new movement for that one workout (the only time it appears in the entire program)? It doesn’t seem to make sense as usually the exercises stay the same for each four week block. Every other exercise on every other day is the same across all of weeks 5 to 8.

I feel this is a typo…

Thanks for The Bridge. I appreciate it, and have enjoyed it, together with the slowly be surely increasing e1RMs (finally stronger on upper body lifts). GPP Hypertrophy is next to slim down a bit, maintain strength, and hopefully muscle mas.

Nope, it’s pin bench. The Bridge is meant to transition to a different style of programming and we wanted to introduce some amount of variation, which is usually higher for the upper body lifts in our templates. Additionally, that has to be balanced with it being only 7 weeks in length and free so…yep- pin bench.

OK. Thanks for the clarification.

Teddy here reporting live from the gym on the bench…

Pins are either a little below my chest circa 2cms, or 4cms above my chest at the next highest pin level. There are no smaller or intermediate spacing holes.

I have read some of you prior posts and Leah’s suggesting if one can’t do pin bench, pause bench is the substitute. You noted that it is not meant as an overload movement, which pins above the chest becomes.

As such, I presume pause bench is the substitute in this instance. Confirming not just for The Bridge as currently being run, but for future programs while I am still training with these Hammer Strength racks.

Thank you sir!