Caloric intake needs as I turn 40

Regarding the scale measurement, I do it every day and watch the trend. This is due to things like water weight fluctuating day to day. For some that is too often and twice a week seems to work well. This is to iron out any outliers, which would not be caught with weekly or fortnightly weighing. So weigh yourself at least twice a week or up to every day and watch the trend (say the 5 or the 7 day average).

Because fuck squatting being the “holy grail” of every fucking exercise or movement evar (sorry for the rant). SS seems to produce squatters and that is it. Deadlift stalls as it is not trained enough, and press and bench press never move for many due to, surprise surprise, lack of volume. The SS model is, ironically enough, the perfect evidence for volume producing progress. The squat progresses, and almost nothing else. Thus the eat through sticking points, which is rubbish. Yeah, I feel strongly as I got fat doing it (or what I think of as fat).

Ted’s NLP:

Day 1
Squat 3 sets x 5 reps
Bench 3x5
Barbell rows (pendlay style) 3x8

Day 2
Deadlift 3x5
Press 3x5
Chin Ups (palms toward you) 3x whatever reps you can do

Training frequency and volume is equal across all movements. I will note that I did 1x5 for deadlifts when I did my version as I didn’t know any better. Now having trained BBM style for a bit, I can tell you that deadlifts are not as taxing as SS would lead you to believe, especially when paired with a substantially less taxing movement as presses. I left 5 minutes between working sets to eek out as much weight as possible, but no longer (none of this 7 minutes or 10 minutes crap).

Once bench and press stall, you can use the BBM plugin. In reality I would just move on to The Bridge. You will get better results, particularly on the upper body movements.

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