Hey Guys, I’m currently in the third week of the 12 week Strength Template after doing the hypertrophy template. I noticed that my Close Grip Bench is A LOT stronger than when I grip wider. I can Bench the same weight close grip for 4@9 with a pause as I can touch and go for 4@9 with a sligshot. So would it make sense to switch the Close Grip Bench to the competition bench slot and the wide grip bench to the close grip slot?
Your close grip is the same as your slingshot? Something doesn’t sound right here.
Yes, I know it’s weird. Maybe I need to learn to use the slingshot in a correct manner. But I can still bench my single @8 with a wide grip for 4 reps when I use close grip, so I’m wondering whether I should switch to close grip, regardless of the slingshot