Competed 3 Weeks Ago, Where to Start?

I competed 3 weeks ago and have just been going to the gym and training with Volume, haven’t touched the competition lifts. I was going to Start with the Hypertrophy Template and then go to the Strength Template. Is this a good route or is there something else I should start with? I planned to start with my maxes quite lower than my competition maxes as I know I’m not ready to hit those numbers again.

My Comp maxes were:
Squat 650
Bench 375
Deadlift 615

Nice numbers, Robb!

Hypertrophy II would be a good fit if you want to take some more time off for the competition lifts. Alternatively, if you wanted to do the S/B/D , but not get too specific- the Powerbuilding II template would be great.


Thanks Jordan, that’s what I was leaning towards. Appreciate the resonse.

Robb looks pretty beasty