Curious....Training Every other Day: 3 day, 4 day or alternate program?


I’m currently running Powerbuilding I and plan to switch to Hypertrophy after. But had a quick question, as I train every other day, one week is 3 days and one is 4 days.

I know this is a minimal thing in the long run and doesn’t REALLY matter, but I am just curious as to whether you would run a 3 day program (making it a weekish shorter), 4 day program (making it a weekish longer) or mash the 3 day and 4 day templates alternating between the equivalent templates?

Thanks and keep up the awesome work. I also see a bodybuilding template mentioned on here, assuming it is not the hypertrophy one, any drop date on that? I’ll be snapping it up.

Is there anyway you can do the program in the prescribed constraints, e.g. not train every other day in perpetuity?

The BB template will likely drop when the gyms open up :slight_smile:

Hi Jordan,

Thanks for the response. I can stick to 3 days per week at the moment, training every other day just works well with work and family constraints (my wife and I alternate childcare/cooking and training in the evenings) and I just like having the 1 extra (barbell) training day per fortnight with every other day vs 3 days per week. From mid June/early July I plan to start training 4 days per week anyway and was mainly curious about my current and next training blocks.

I look forward to the BB template.