Finishing hypertrophy template... another "what next" question

BBM team - appreciate all the content & guidance. Had a great time on the hypertrophy template, now looking for a little bit of guidance on “what next”. Searched this forum for this scenario so apols if covered elsewhere, pls let me know.

For what it’s worth…

  • 28 y/o sporty background / recreational gym goer for years but never followed a programme
  • 83kg (80 in wk 1 of template)
  • Not looking to compete

Lifts below in kgs.

Week 1 Week 6
6 @ 8 E1RM
Squat 98 123
Bench 60 76
Deadlift 135 171
Press 38 47

I’d like to continue building size and strength, however would also like to cycle in a cut at some point to get rid of the accumulating spongey-ness…!

I noted that you consider the hypertrophy template best for cutting but also to not run it back to back. Would appreciate any help on the next template(s) to follow and sequencing of building/cutting. Since I’m not competing and haven’t trained much under this programming style before I wondered whether HLM or the Bridge 2.0 would be a good next step.

Re HLM, how many weeks is this prog?

Thanks for your help!

How tall are you, and what’s your waist?

Bridge 2.0 or HLM would both be fine. They are 8 weeks long.

OK thank you.

6ft and 88cm

I’ll do HLM after hypertrophy 3-day.

Hey Austin - 6ft and 88cm waist.

Wondering if you were asking re scheduling a cut? Conscious you’re replying to ~8,000,000 threads here so just wanted to nudge.


You certainly don’t need to cut, with that waist measurement. Recommendations as above stand :slight_smile:

Thanks will crack on! Will let you know when the love handles get too much…!