Well it sounds like you have 7-8 months to fill. I certainly wouldn’t run HLM exclusively that many times in a row. You could cycle HLM and hypertrophy until you’re 12 weeks out though, then swap to 12 week strength.
Thanks for the input guys. I might try the HLM and then go to the 4 day hypertrophy, followed by 12week strength depending on when the meet will end up. Post novice training is hard to figure out at this point. Especially when you still have a lot of room to progress. I just do not want to waist time at this point. But I guess you need to in order to see how you respond. I want to drop a few more pounds. Havent been aggressive enough lately.
ANy of you do the HLM template? Is it laid out like the 12wk strength or Bridge?