Getting sick in week#3

I started the bridge two weeks ago and at the end of week 2 I caught a cold. I have the impression that you generally encourage working out in such a situation so I went for the first day of week 3. But I failed to do more than one top set for each lift and the whole session was very bad (emotionally). My questions are: 1. What are your suggestions If I want to continue working out while I am sick? and 2. Do I need to repeat week 2 next week?

It sounds like you aren’t actually using RPE-based auto regulation as is intended.

Thanks, @Austin_Baraki

Actually, before seeing your reply, I did the workout of the second day with the aim of sticking to the RPE and it really helped. The failure on the first day of the week and the successful regulation of the second day were both good lessons in RPE-based autoregulation. This may be called the hard way to learning RPE, lol.