I’m currently running the Bridge (plan on running it again once I’ve finished) and I’m making good gains. I’ve become obsessed with golf recently and have paid for a membership to play 9 holes and hit unlimited range balls - I was curious if this may affect my training performance negatively. I know Jordan has been golfing a lot lately and was curious how it has affected his training. I could concentrate my golf practice on non-lifting days, but I’d also prefer to golf every day. Any thoughts? What if I golf in the morning before the lift - would it decrease my output considering I lift after work?
This isn’t anything I’d concern myself with. You are talking on a 9 hole round, what, 18 full swings, and 6 chips, and 18 putts over 2 hours? If you carry your bag, you are walking 250 yards at a crack, putting it down, and waiting 2 minutes with practice swing, execution swing, clean the club, put it back in bag, put bag over both shoulders, and walking another 150 yards, where you may chip, then grab your putter, and hopefully only 2 put, before walking to the next tee box, where you again set the bag down again.