I am on Phase 1, Week 3, Day 2 of the Hip Rehab template.
Today’s workout had Bench Press as
set 1: some weight x 5 reps @ 8RPE
sets 2-4: 72% weight x 5 reps @ blank RPE
What does the percent rx mean?
72% of the 5@8 weight? 72% of the 1RM?
Is the RPE for sets 2-4 emergent, i.e., TBD after the 72% x 5?
The description in the app of the weight goal doesn’t explain this percent system.
Hoping someone here can.
Hey Amy,
The percentage is based on the 5 reps @ RPE 8 performance and the “estimated 1RM” or e1RM it generates. You’ll keep the weight the same for each back off set. If you tap the percentage while in the app after completing the 5 reps @ RPE 8 set, a suggested percentage will pop up.
Hope that helps!
Thank for the quick response. The app has more hidden features than I realized as I would never have thought to click on the percent. Powerful !
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