Hypertrophy I Template question. Day 4?


I purchased the Hypertrophy I template and have the following question: the product page (Hypertrophy I Template - Barbell Medicine) says it’s a 3 day + 2 GPP days program.

In the template however, are 4 Days + GPP in each of the week tabs, while the overview tab shows 3 days + GPP. Day 4 in each week tab has exercise names like ‘2* pull 1’ or ‘2* press 3’ and has ‘None’ for Reps & Intensity.

What am I supposed to do with ‘Day 4’?


Hello and thanks for the support of our programs! That is an extra field in the template and you don’t need to do anything with those spaces. The plan is indeed 3 days, plus the GPP.
