So as of right now-- as per some advice from a previous posting-- I’m running the NLP with the bench/press plug-in from BBM. As my NLP is in its homestretch, I’m looking ahead to future programming. I wonder, is there any harm in running the hypertrophy template post NLP without first doing the Bridge? Does anyone have experience running the templates that way? I understand that the Bridge is partly meant to be an intro to programming using RPE, but I figure I can learn to use RPE on just about any program (I’m perfectly willing to be proven wrong on that assumption).
Given that Jordan and Austin have mentioned in the podcast that hypertrophy is essential in making long-term strength gains, I was thinking that doing the hypertrophy template after NLP might be a smart move. Not better than doing the Bridge first, but perhaps an equally feasible approach. I’m not all that worried about foregoing some strength gains in the near-term if it helps me put on muscle and get stronger over the long haul. As someone who is not naturally athletic or muscular (inasmuch as a person can be), I’m wondering if taking some time to focus on hypertrophy before moving on to more advanced strength work would be worth doing.
Thanks for your help!