Is the powerbuildig template right for me?

Hello everyone,

I have been training for about seven months without a coach and a real programme (just aiming for a certain number of reps) and I’m now ready to buy my first template ever. My primary goal is bodybuilding, but I like strength too and most of my workouts have revolved around the main lifts (squat, bench, overhead press, deadlift). Now my question: is the powerbuilding template right for me?Is it a good choice for people who would like to gain strength too? And if so, should I get the first or the second one? At the moment I’m doing an upper/lower split and I am used to a lot of volume. Would it be a good idea to transition to the first 3-day powerbuilding template? Thanks for your help.

Hey Rudiger,

I think the Powerbuilding program is perfect for you. I’d have you start with the 3 day per week program first and then graduate to the 4 day template!
