Long-term Development

Context: I’m primarily a jiujitsu practitioner, and I also have come to love lifting. I’ve got a basic schedule worked out that, yes, interferes with strength gains and recovery for strength purposes, but allows me to train both jiujitsu and strength train with now very moderated results and expectations in the latter. It’s basically HLM in both lifting and grappling. I have no competitions coming up in either sport, so I have no specified training patterns that I need to fulfill in either. The context aside, my question is this: on the strength side, is it conceivably appropriate that, given my limited resources for recovery, I simply double down on the developmental side of, say, the HLM template and switch back and forth between the developmental blocks and the hypertrophy template for long-term muscular/hypertrophic gains; that is, do HLM without worrying about its applications to heavy triples and singles for now? Or do those singles and heavy triples bring some stimulus that’s more generally helpful beyond the specified movements of powerlifting as well? A potentially failed experiment in programming is just fine if that’s my only option here.

If you never plan to compete in a barbell sport and are primarily strength training for performance improvement and injury risk reduction in your martial art, I think your plan is sound, and don’t think you need to spend much time frequently training heavy singles.

Many thanks.