Low fatigue strength template

Really curious on this one.

I’ve been running one round each of HT I and PB I every year for the last 3 years (GSC and Madcows prior to that). having breaks in between with lower volume and more “loose” training or some attempt at strength focus.

I´m 51, 172cm 90kg with a waist around 110 cm, in other words, losing a chunk of lard is high on priority. Recovery is challenging once in a while since I help out at a karate club a couple of nights a week.

Could the Low fatigue strength template fit my needs?


BTW, on the green team and looking forward to change the app I´m currently using…:wink:

This would be the kind of training approach I would favor if I had multiple other competing recovery demands, yes.

However, the fat loss goal is going to be less impacted by which specific template you select, and much more based on the dietary setup.

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Thx for the reply.

The “war on waist circumference” is built in the kitchen :sunglasses:

I just want to keep as much of the hard earned muscles and strength that is hopefully hidden somewhere on my temple of flesh without grinding myself to the bone.

You must be doing something right since I keep coming back to your templates after other excursions,
(and I like to fill in the excel sheets afterwards and save as a digital monument of perceverance)

Much appreciated

I wouldn’t be surprised if you gained muscle during your weight loss period with any of our templates you suggested :slight_smile: