Pain = rest?

Hi there, listen to your Q and A all the time and I love them. So educational and entertaining aswell. You deserve way more subscribers I must say. Just a quick question as you guys, I think it was Jordan that said that when in pain resting is never the solution, moving and working around the pain is. Is there a time you should remedy the pain with rest? example, just have a nagging pain in my triceps and shoulder after doing some bad chinups (Atleast I think so, type 1 RM chinups… don’t recommend them anymore) This pain destroy my pressing, benchpressing, squat , even frontsquat, and deadlift. I could however press with one hand, deadlift with one hand. I tried training with empty barbel and pain is then managebel, but it feels like a real waste of time specially since pain is still there and it feels like I am aggrivating it. My next thought was to take a full week of with ibuprofen , and maybe only some conditioning work to see if pain goes away. Am I wrong and secluded by my feelings in regards to how you feel is a lie(is it always a lie though) Typically this happened just before I was to start your 12 week strength template that I was looking forward to. Maybe my mind telling me your template is dangerous and try to stop me with pain;-) Just kidding offcourse, any insights are deeply appreciated.

I would not recommend absolute rest unless mandated secondary to a surgical procedure, medical condition that dramatically increases the risk of harm with exercising, or similar.

I can’t comment on your specific case because I don’t know your history, but I wouldn’t recommend a full week off either.

Thank you sir.