Programming Pull Ups

Hello Jordan and Austin.

I have a question regarding pull ups programming. I want to get the pull ups to a higher level. Since I’ve had a lot of success with programming the deadlift and squat with similar method as Austin Baraki did, something like this:

One top set of 1 to 6 reps @7-8, then sets of 3 to 5 with 65 to 75% of e1RM. Would this be a good way to program pull ups? I would probably do a weighted pull up for set of 5 or 6, then remove how much weight is necessary and do 3 to 5 reps with 65 to 75% of e1RM.

Do you think this approach would be fine for pull ups too? Second day in the week would probably BW 3 sets @8 or something similar


We can’t predict how you’ll respond to any given program in advance, but a reasonable predictor of your response to a given training approach is your own prior history of response to that setup (although even this doesn’t always pan out).

If it’s worked well for you on other movements, try it and see what happens.

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