Questions on the Titan Template

Hey guys -

So far the Titan Template is awesome. I love the variety and it’s given me a nice break from strictly powerlifting.

I do have one question here. I am very new to all of the crossfit “silly human tricks”…I have no desire to do handstand pushups. Double unders are cool and all, but I am terrible at them and will take me some time to learn them. My gym doesn’t have a standard pullup bar for doing things like toes 2 bar (my height is also an issue there). I don’t train at a typical crossfit gym, but I do have access to most of the equipment necessary for typical conditioning workouts. I do have some limitations that will have to work around.

Are there any rules of thumb I can use for selecting volume and loads for metcons? For example - I really enjoy doing conditioning with DB and Kettlebell movements like Power Snatch, DB Hang Cleans and Push Presses, “Devil Presses”, burpees, etc. I have access to a Ski Erg, which is super fun and also terrible… air bike, rower, etc. No sled.

I have tried pulling some workouts out of the Google Machine, but I’m sort of going at it blindly. There has to be some kind of method to the madness of designing these things.




Thanks for the post and your business :slight_smile:

As far as your question, I’m not sure I can tell you how to program metcons via a single forum post. Given that none of this stuff really matters outside of maintaining some semblance of intelligent progressive overload, I’d just stick to the prescribed metcons and sub out movements you can’t do with movements you can do.
