After asking about template selection I tried to take Doc’s advice to take the GS&C template and modify it to be more in lines with Titan 1 to help me be widely varied with emphasis for strength. I don’t have access to a Crossfit gym, so I thought that adding Olympic movements in place of the accessory movements would suffice. I also plan on limiting the cardio to 2 HITT and 2 SS just to keep overall fatigue down and not feel limited for strength. I would also like to change a lot of it to minimize muscle size work and just make it more focused on strength, which makes me question GPP to be honest, but I am unsure how.
I’d love to hear the thoughts of others for this, as I feel to stupid to be changing it this much.
It sounds like you have already tried quite a few things but you feel like they are not working of for you in terms of progress and/or enjoyment? What are your main goals currently? It seems like you are trying to change GS&C to be more strength focused but have already tried one of the strength focused templates and did not like that type of programming? If the main aim is to increase e1RM in SBD then that is probably going to look quite specific.
In terms of your e1RM going down at the end of the template: I am not sure a trend down for a few weeks shows a program was not working out for you. Might be worth checking what your e1RMs looked like over the duration of the whole template? Where did you start and did you see any improvement from there?
In terms of what to try next: If you are looking for increasing SBD and olympic lifts numbers then you might want to look at the super total template. If you want a more ‘crossfit’ style with some strength work, olympic lifts and some met con / conditioning you should probably look at titan. I have not run either of those templates but perhaps someone else on here has and can give you an idea of what they are like?
Exactly. I wanted to try Titan 1 to reach my goals of widely varied athlete (like crossfit or strongman) with emphasis on strength, but my equipment (commercial gyms) is generally limited to GS&C according to Doc Jordan. I didn’t care much for GS&C the first time I ran it; not enough strength training, too much hypertrophy or just awkward movements for my liking.
I asked Doc about SuperTotal or Titan 1, and he recommended GS&C. While I am looking for general strength and conditioning, I wasn’t really happy with it the first time I ran it. I seem to be stuck with it, so I wanted to change it.
Perhaps I’ll try the base template and go from there. Or maybe indeed get Super Total and just add some more cardio. Still working on Strength 1, but close to the end so I wanted to ask ahead of time.
If you are training in a gym with equipment limitations I could see that that may restrict your ability to run some of the templates with more specialist requirements (which I guess was why you were recommended away from titan?).
For another run of GS&C perhaps you should consider something like this:
-keep the exercise selection for the priority squat, bench and deadlift slots the same for both blocks. To give you more practice/work with the main lifts, if that is one of the things you are looking for
-keep the accessory movement slots as they are but swap the two supplement EMOM slots for some of the Olympic lift work you want to do
-swap one of the conditioning (and perhaps one of the ab, upper back or arm slots?) for a Metcon style workout instead, to give you some of that varied athlete work you are looking for